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The Alice PDx portable diagnostic recording device is intended for Obstructive Sleep Apnea screening, follow-up and diagnostics in polysomnography and sleep disorder studies. Patients can be tested in the hospital or at home.
Color-coded labels to reduce retesting :
Color-coded labels located around the perimeter of the device, indicate where to connect the various sensor leads. The display shows the patient only the sensors that need to be connected. The sensor information and indicators help patients place the sensors correctly and reduce the need for retesting due to application errors.
Sensor Application Reference Guide assists the user: A helpful, color-coded, step-by-step diagram is included with the device to walk patients through the appropriate application process.
Good Study Indicator simplifies data collection:
The Good Study Indicator visually displays the amount of good quality data in 25-percent increments on the Alice PDx display screen. As a result, a patient using the Alice PDx can easily communicate this information to the healthcare provider who can decide if the study needs to be repeated. The provider can then help the patient repeat the study. This can potentially reduce the amount of insufficient study data and repeat studies.
Multi-Night Recording for easy use: With the SD card memory and two-to-three night battery life, the Alice PDx can collect information from multi-night recordings when needed. The Alice PDx can be set to start and stop recording automatically to minimize the risk of the patient forgetting to do it.
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